Student Leadership at Kedron SHS
The student leadership philosophy at Kedron SHS is to provide multiple leadership opportunities, in the form of curricular and extra-curricular programs, to students in their junior and middle years of schooling to develop a very broad base of leadership capability. This broad base will provide opportunities for more students to be able to demonstrate their capacity to fill targeted senior leadership positions eg prefect, Interact Executive and the student representative Council Executive. The philosophy is based on a framework of knowing yourself as a leader, before you can lead others. It is also framed around leadership to the school and broader community. To further support the development of leadership skills, a program from 7 – 10 is embedded within our Kedcare program. This program is underpinned by the principles of rock and water, which is a program focussed on increasing resilience and building social and communication skills. This ensures a common language is used across the whole school.
Period of Service
In year 7 the students will start their leadership position at the beginning of term 3 after camp occurs. This period will run until the end of term 3 at the end of the following year. All other year levels will hold their positions from the start of term 4 through to the end of term 3. They will conclude their period of service at Kedron Week.
Students will be informed of the outcome of the selection process as follows:
- Yr 7 students are informed at the end of term 2
- Year 8 to 11 leaders are informed of the outcome of the process during Kedron week (Week 10 Term 3).
- Incoming prefects are informed of the outcome of their application on Thursday, Week 10 of term 3.
Recognition of leaders
The only leaders with the title of captain or vice-captain are the school captains. The leaders in grade 12 are referred to as prefects. All other leaders will be referred to as student leaders. The number of leaders will vary depending on the leadership potential in each cohort with a maximum of 15 in year 7 -11.
Senior leaders who hold the position of Prefect, First Nations Leaders, Student Council Executive or Interact Executive will be recognisable through the leadership blazer. They will have pockets recognising their achievements previous. Only authorised achievements are recognised (please see Blazer Pocket Achievements).
All other leaders will be presented with a badge to recognise their position.