The Kedron State High School Library is a safe, welcoming and inclusive space that supports the diverse needs of our school community.
Connect, Collaborate, Aspire and Read
The Kedron State High School Library:

Physical resources
Collections: fiction, poetry, short stories, biographies, graphic novels, audiobooks, reference, non-fiction, magazines, Kedron Archives materials.
Spaces: reading, research, classrooms, group studies.
Equipment: laptop bank, five desktop computers for printing, two printers/copiers/scanners.
Library OPAC (access via school network only)
Students may use the OPAC to search for physical resources in the collection. The OPAC also contains information about:
- Research skills
- Copyright
- Referencing and citation guidelines
- Search strategies
- Access to Digital Resources
This information is also available via the Kedron SHS Virtual Library page on the Learning Place ( and is accessible from outside school.
Digital Resources
Access is available to all Kedron SHS students. Access details are available on the library homepage (accessible via the school Intranet) or from the Kedron SHS Virtual Library on the Learning Place.
Gale Databases: continuously updated reference collection for secondary students with selected full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and websites.
LibraryWebs: subject directory library of thousands of carefully selected internet links. Topics relate directly to the Australian National Curriculum.
Queensland State Schools Digital Library: a range of eBooks and audiobooks to suit all reading levels and interests. Can be used with the Overdrive/Sora apps.
TV4Education: Educational video library and streaming service with a range of education channels, sources and learning tools.
Regular Events
Weekly library clubs including Dungeons and Dragons, Anime and Chess.
Love your Library Month (February)
Rock the Library Celebration Week (Term 2)
The Kedron Festival of Books (Term 3)
Library Ambassadors Initiative
The Library Ambassadors Initiative is a leadership program for Kedron SHS students. Every year, students have the opportunity to apply to become a Library Ambassador. Successful candidates undertake training in collection re-shelving and reading advocacy, provide valuable feedback and support the library staff to promote reading to the whole school community.
Teacher Aide: Alexander Downie (Dip Library and Information Services)