
Junior school



Junior School

Kedron is a highly sought-after secondary school. Many families elect to send their children to be members of our community because we offer the opportunity​ for our students to strive to shine. Our Year 7 & 8 students are exceptional every day and are provided with every opportunity to strive and to shine.

Year 7

Kedron State High School offers a seamless transition program for students moving from primary to secondary school. Our Junior Secondary philosophy is around supporting each student to develop personally, academically and find their place within the larger school context. At Kedron State High School we offer a wide variety of programs to support and extend students to achieve their best and delve deeper into their passion areas.

Junior Secondary Staff

Kedron State High School has a number of staff to ensure each student is supported through their time at school. In Junior Secondary the following people are important for your student to know:

  • Deputy Principal Junior Secondary – Leanne Miller
  • Head of Department Junior Secondary – Marnie Crymble
  • Year 7 Coordinator – Jessica Price
  • Year 8 Coordinator – Elizabeth Harris
  • Junior Secondary Officer – Sharon Eichmann
  • Head of Inclusive Practices - Jess Claridge
  • Sports Coordinator – Corey Tucker
  • Guidance Officer – Year 7 – Elizabeth Smith
  • Guidance Officer – Year 8 –Ashley Cunningham

Organisation of Classes

At Kedron State High School, every student has the right to an education that is meaningful to them.  In Junior secondary this means that students have on offer three levels of learning in core subjects. 

Extension learning is for those students who are self-motivated high achieving learners who enjoy being challenged in their learning.  Beside covering the essential content, for students in these classes learning will be extended in the breadth and depth of subject matter and students are enabled to work independently through tasks. 

Mainstream learning is for the majority of students who wish to achieve to the best of their ability.  These students access all the content in every subject with the focus on achieving their personal best.

Assisted learning is for those students who experience some difficulty with their learning.  These students, whilst learning alongside their peers, will undertake a modified curriculum with the focus of achieving a pass in every subject while building their confidence and ability as a learner.

Across all classes, students complete the same tasks and are marked against the same criteria. The difference lies in the journey they take in that learning and the level of teacher support provided along the way.​

Class size

The state staffing model allows for class sizes of 28 students in years 7-10 and 25 students in years 11 & 12.  However at Kedron High, there is a policy to adjust class size to meet the different needs of subjects and the ability level of students where ever possible.  Therefore:

  • Extension and mainstream classes, due to demand and ability level, contain a maximum of 28 students.
  • Supported classes are targeted at 15 students.
  • Practical classes are targeted at 24 students in the Middle School and 18 students in the senior school.
  • Accelerated is capped at 20 students due to the demanding nature of supporting students learning at different year levels,

Curriculum Framework – Junior Secondary

Students must study one subject from each of the eight mandated key learning areas during Years 7 and 8:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Art, Music, Drama
  • Industrial Technology & Design, Food Studies, Information Technology
  • Japanese, French, Chinese, Spanish.

As students progress from Years 7 to 8 the following applies.

  • Science, English, Mathematics and Science are studied until the end of Year 10 when choices can be made to specialise in different sciences in Years 11 & 12.
  • History is studied in Years 8 and 9 and 10.  Students have the options of studying Geography in 2nd Semester Year 10 and in Years 11 & 12.
  • Students have a choice of one of two Strands:  Asian Language Strand (Japanese / Chinese) or European Language Strand (Spanish/French).  Year 7 students must complete one strand until the end of Year 7, then continue with one language into Year 8.  Students may either elect to continue their language after Year 8 or choose an additional Arts or Technology subject in Year 9.
  • In the Arts, students will undertake a foundation study in the three strands, Art, Drama and Music, before making their choice to continue at least one of those subjects to the end of Year 9.
  • In Technology, a similar situation will occur where students will select 2 of the 3 Technology subjects of DIG (Digital Information), Food Studies and Industrial Technology & Design before making their choice to continue at least one to the end of Year 9.
  • HPE is studied by all students in Years through to 9, as part of core studies.  In Year 10, HPE becomes an elective.

Assessment Schedule

The Assessment Schedule shows subjects to be assessed across Years 7 and 8.

  • You will see the subject name listed on the left hand side.
  • If you are not sure which subject your child studies, please ask them – they should be able to help you out.
  • Simply scroll across the weeks to the period the assessments are due.
  • Exams are in red.
  • Assessments / Assignments will have a draft and final due.
  • If your child is doing subjects across multiple year levels, please email Marnie Crymble on and she will help you sort out what you need to find.


If there are any changes to the assessment Schedule, you will be notified by the Head of Department of the particular subject area.​

Last reviewed 19 March 2025
Last updated 19 March 2025