


library_1.JPGAt Kedron State High School, our academic outcomes are consistently above the state average. These strong results stem from the core values of the school: traditional, academic, disciplined and diverse.  We have dedicated teachers who give time and attention to the welfare and achievements of each student, offering support, extension classes and career information.

Kedron State High School can accommodate students wishing to join the Graduate Program and the Study Abroad Program, and we also host study tours and professional visits. 


The 1800 QSTUDY service provides support for you, your authorised contacts and Education Queensland International (EQI) homestay hosts, and responds to incidents that involve international students outside school hours.

Your safety is our number one priority and we work with our industry partners to ensure you enjoy a safe and high-quality study experience. 1800 QSTUDY (1800 778 839) is available to all students studying in our international student program.

You can call 1800 QSTUDY External link before 9.00am and after 3.00pm on school days, and 24 hours during weekends, public holidays and school vacations for more information.

Different arrangements are in place for Study Tour students. Your chaperone will explain the support process that is in place for you. For further information please contact Study Tours team on 3513 5708 or

Homestay hosts can also use this support service; it does not replace triple 0 (000 number for fire, ambulance or police services in Australia) in the event of an incident or emergency. It can be used to notify EQI of an incident that occurs outside of school hours.

Last reviewed 13 February 2024
Last updated 13 February 2024